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Being a support worker isn't easy...

If you're like Me, you'll have moments where you want to go out into the middle of the street and scream with frustration due to a plethora of reasons. We're human and it's ok to lose your shit now and again, but there is a time and a place. You have to remain professional when you're on the clock and let those emotions bottle up, but how do you vent?

Personally I love going to the gym and throwing weights around or punching the occasional boxing bag, but most importantly i HAVE to talk to friends or family about my frustrations, but I have to keep things confidential for legal reasons, especially when I'm frustrated at a residents challenging behaviour, or lack of management at the company I'm working for.

So I've become quite the expert with creative story telling that have been inspired by real events, I suppose it does become an entertaining read/listen. However anonymity is key and that's what I need you all to remember, the last thing we need to do is create a legal issue in terms of libel (Remember your frustrations can often be your own perspective and not facts, so we have to be careful and keep all identifying information; fictionalised.


Here is a personal example, to give you more understanding of what we'd expect to see shared here in terms of anonymity.

I was recently fired from a position (Failed probation) , however I am appealing the decision, but here is a run through of their reasoning.

  1. Medication Error

  2. Not integrating with the team

  3. Not following the sickness policy.

These issues without context seem indefensible but let me add some context to consider.

Medication Error

This was accidentally giving a resident a double dose of Methylphenidate (54mg x2) This wasn't entirely my fault and I'll explain.

A: Lack of communication from the night staff, I wasn't told verbally they'd administered medication, only that they medication couldn't be given due to no mar charts available and the current have lapsed.

B: Management hadn't printed the MAR charts, so I had to do them and once printed, i administered the morning medication that the service user was asking for, to them realise that the MAR chart for the Methylphenidate was still current and had already been administered. When I raised the alarm for the medication error, my former colleague lied and said they'd told me verbally they'd administered it.

C: I was tired due to working an illegal shift (Working Time Regulations implement 11 hour rest periods) and rushing due to medication being repeatedly requested for and giving medication when it's asked for is on their PBS plan.

Not integrating with the team

This one is absolute nonsense, I was well liked among other colleagues with the exception of some select higher management, because i raised safeguarding concerns, which they lacked interest in , so I reported them to the CQC, since then I noticed i was getting less hours etc...

Not following the sickness policy

This was true I didn't , however i WhatsApped the deputy manager which has a delivered and read feature and I gave 7+ hours notice.

The policy states 1 hour and notification must be done via phone call to a line manager.

I had norovirus and was throwing up sporadically and defecating through eye of a needle, it wasn't a pretty site and I felt awkward calling while on the toilet and or in the bath, which is where I spent most of the time. If my message wasn't read and acknowledged via WhatsApp, I'd have called in with compulsory hours notice.


I feel i've been victimised and they've used any excuse to get rid of me before their mock CQC inspection on the 22/01/25, the wouldn't want me speaking to to them, It is the only logical explanation to me, because I was the only one punished for the meds error, which had multiple factors of contributory blame.

Do I have the right to be angry with how I've been treated?


As you can see above, there's no context of who or where this is about? It's completely anonymous, but enough information to vent with, remember there is no right or wrong when it comes to how you feel and your perception is just as valid as anyone else's.

We're here to support you and can help you.

Please enjoy the members area and report anything that you're not happy with, Moderation is important to us, as much as we promote free speech.

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Image for attention


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Unknown member
Jan 23
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is just what we need! Been working in care a long time and having somewhere I can vent and get things off my chest is perfect.

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